Appeal for donations

Foto Monika Möhlenkamp
Monika Möhlenkamp, chairwoman

Dear friends of denkhausbremen,

ecological sustainability and social justice belong together inseparably. To ensure this idea is really put into practice, denkhausbremen is a driving force for ecological change for everyone’s benefit.

That is why we ask for your support, to make sure that society really takes planetary boundaries into account and demands its fair share from the wealthy in the future. This is our guiding principle in the Bioeconomy Action Forum. We organise debates in the Bundestag (German national Parliament) and coordinate a joint position finding process of environmental and development organisations and advocates for a bioeconomy that is socially just and ecologically sustainable.

We are firmly convinced that social change should also be initiated by groups and initiatives from the low-income section. That is why we started the “Future Labs from Below“ initiative. In the “Bremen renewable” project, we are discussing about what local actions are needed in response to global change.

In order for denkhausbremen to keep working independently, we need your support. Your donation can make the diffenence to our initiatives and campaigns. denkhausbremen is recognised as a non-profit organisation. Donations are therefore tax deductible. Please support us with your donation.

Monika Möhlenkamp
– Chairwoman –

Donations by bank transfer:
Account holder: denkhausbremen eV
IBAN: DE31 4306 0967 2046 3918 00
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftbank eG